Friday, October 15, 2010

The dream that's coming true

My speech was called What If. I talked about missing children with more passion than I had ever felt. I knew the minute that speech was over something was going to change in my life but I had no idea of what or when.

Fast forward a year or so...

It was a thusday night and tribal council was about to take place on survivor. I had been in and out of the hospital for over a week. Every night I would drive myself (lol yes I like to be in control)to spend the night listening to my babys heartbeat and feeling her move inside. Samantha Danielle Roberts-Wolford is her name. She is named after Samantha Runnion and Danielle Van dam. Two of the children I researched for my speech. Both of those precious children had been murdered. Sami is the most amazing gift life has given me. A gift from God! I start my every day by telling Sami I love her and thank God for her. I remind her how beautiful, smart, and precious she is. I tell her how proud I am of her.

Am I perfect? Far from it! But I have came to believe that the most precious gifts will appear in ways we nvr imagined. I have wanted to be a mommy since I can remember. I didn't know when but I knew it would happen.

First part of the dream complete. Now to change the world through the eyes of Sami Moink. :o)

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